Teterissa Training & Coaching

Who is Amber Teterissa (DGA Teterissa Training en Coaching b.v.)

DGA Amber Teterissa is gedreven en energiek. Ze richt zich vooral op het verbeteren en optimaliseren van de communicatie binnen een team of tussen verschillende teams. Daarbij hoort ook een stuk persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling van leidinggevende, manager en medewerkers. Amber is een trainer en ontwikkelaar die snel zaken doorziet, verbanden legt en doelgericht werkt. Ze is eerlijk en direct en werkt op maat om zo het maximale uit de samenwerking te halen.



“So now you are going to convince me I have to do everything differently?”

“No, what i am going to do is introduce you to other options. I am going to let you experience what else is possible and i am going to show you what you are doing now and what effect this has on others. With the aim to give you choices where you can decided for yourself if you want to follow the same path or maybe choose a different direction.




“What inspires you?”

“What’s inspiring for me is a person who is clear in what they want. Taking on challenges and radiating trust. They step into the unknown with confidence and faith that there is a solution for every obstacle. Somebody that listens to understand, has humour and lets people around them grow. Somebody that creates a place to investigate without judgement.




"Investigation= testing, experimenting, testing usability, trying and testing."

The core value that completes the circle for me to switch from reflection and inspiration to doing. And during this process of trying, you will discover what works best for you.



To work successfully together it is important that there is a basis of trust. Everyone takes their own responsibility and you understand each other’s vision of development and growth.

Teterissa Training and Coaching loves to work with partners. The diverse fields that various colleague companies work in has allowed Amber to gain experience in a wide area of subjects.
Working with those partners also ensures a great diversity, talented trainers and assorted working methods. This encourages everyone to think outside the box during the investigation phase to find the right combination that ensures maximum success for each client to achieve their goals.

Here are the partners that Teterissa Training and Coaching has worked with and for.
given trainings
People trained